Fan Jing, born in 1983, Beijing, China. She lives and works in Beijing.


Fang Jing's works are a kind of illumination. These geometric, disjointed, almost prefabricated, soulless bodies reflect the female condition, still subject to a patriarchal society of superficial appearances. 


For the artist, society makes women play preconceived roles. Puppets are at once an object of contemplation and fascination, incapable of existing for themselves, empty of feelings, emotions and existence. 


A veritable extension of Edgar Degas' work, Fan Jing's works obliterate gender to reveal only the theatricality and performance associated with our society. 


She has taken part in group shows such as "MY! About Me" at Enjoy-Art Museum, Beijing (2022), "Inspiration" at Linda Gallery, Berlin (2022), The 2nd Fine Arts Exhibition of College Students, Beijing (2022) and "Homologous Reproduction" at Nanluo Bookshop, Beijing (2020).