Zheng Mengqiang, born in 1987, Fujian, China. He lives and works in Beijing.


Zheng Mengqiang's painting could be described as atmospheric. The figures occupying the seemingly empty spaces fill them with delicate emotion. We find ourselves caught up in this sudden intimacy, as if protected by these giants. 


In a setting reminiscent of Edward Hopper, Zheng Mengqiang soothes the viewer by showing only the final moment, playing on the slowness and decomposition of the simplest gestures. 


The strength of Zheng Mengqiang's work lies in its ability to capture the emotional flow and new social relationships that weave between us in contemporary times. By creating this opacity, this general vagueness, he succeeds in simplifying them, erasing the superfluous to make the distance we might have in the face of the unknown and the other disappear. 


Zheng Mengqiang has exhibited in various galleries in China and participated in numerous contemporary art fairs since beginning his practice in 2018.