Gideon Rubin, born in 1973, Tel Aviv, Israël. He lives and works in London.
Gideon Rubin belongs to the new figurative movement that seeks to convey human individuality through the absence of physical characteristics. Rubin erases the faces of his figures to concentrate on their clothing, body position, gestures and environment. 
Everything can be said about these people, whose clothes, hair and surroundings are all that can be perceived. Rubin succeeds in painting a mental and psychic portrait of his subjects. This freedom confers on the viewer, allowing us to revive our own memories and project onto these characters the faces of our loved ones. Produced on linen canvases, the works often leave the canvas itself visible, reflecting a desire to show only the essential. 
Rubin's work has been exhibited and collected by many of the world's leading art institutions, including the Herzliya Museum of Contemporary Art in Israel, the Freud Museum in London, the Rubin Museum in Tel Aviv, the FLAG Art Fund in New York, the Glasgow Mackintosh Sh Museum, the Wolinden Museum in The Hague, Netherlands, the McEvoy Art Foundation in San Francisco, the Zabludowicz Collection in London, the Fondation Frances in France, and many others.