Under the same title, all the works of the exhibition belong to Dong Dawei’ s “Dust to dust “ series. Dusts fall from chalks when we write. Starting from this experience, the artist made use of the unique nature of chalks to bring the dusts considered as superfluous to subjective representation.
As the artist paints, his body moves and the dusts of chalks fall. The traces of the creating process are conserved in a rational way by the “useless” falling dusts. Influenced by the airflow, different colors of dusts disperse and accumulate around the painting sup- porter, building the painting into a three-dimensional space. More- over, the painting represents not only a final result but also its pro- cess “figuratively”.

In the “Dust to dust” series, the artist considers the relation be- tween the painting instrument and supporter as the theme of painting. These works are paintings about painting. They reflect on the history of painting forms from the perspectives of materi- als and procedure.

Dong Dawei was born in 1981 in Dalian, Liaoning province. He graduated from LuXun Academy of Fine Arts and ENSA-Bourges (École nationale supérieure d'art de Bourges). Strong in critical thinking, Dong Dawei's works are much appreciated for his unique art style. His works are widely exhibited in national and international art institutions, such as CAFA Art Museum, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art, Taikang Space, Moscow Museum of Modern Art, l'Hospice Saint-Roch Museum of Issoudun, etc. His recent exhibitions include “The Common Reader” (Yang Gal- lery), “A Singular Point” (Galerie Perrotin) and “The Theory of Clouds” (Space Station).